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Department of Health and Aged Care

Accountable authority
Secretary of the Department of Health and Aged Care
Lead Body
Institutional sector classification
Employment instruments
Establishing instruments

Additional annual report requirement in establishing legislation

Section 35 of the PGPA Act applies
Section 35(3) of the PGPA Act applies

Outcome #1: Better equip Australia to meet current and future health needs of all Australians through the delivery of evidence-based health policies; improved access to comprehensive and coordinated health care; ensuring sustainable funding for health services, research and technologies; and protecting the health and safety of the Australian community
# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Department of Health and Aged Care 1.1 Department of Health and Aged Care

Health Research, Coordination and Access Collaborate with state and territory governments, the broader healthcare sector and engage internationally to improve access to high quality, comprehensive and coordinated health care to support better health outcomes for all Australians through nationally consistent approaches, sustainable public hospital funding, digital health, supporting health infrastructure, international standards and best practice, and world class health and medical research

1.2 Department of Health and Aged Care 1.2 Department of Health and Aged Care

Mental Health Improve the mental health and wellbeing of all Australians, including a focus on suicide prevention

1.3 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 1.3 Department of Health and Aged Care

First Nations Health Drive improved health outcomes for First Nations peoples

1.4 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 1.4 Department of Health and Aged Care

Health Workforce Ensure Australia has the workforce necessary to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians. Improve the quality, distribution and planning of the Australian health workforce to better meet the needs of the community and deliver a sustainable, well distributed health workforce

1.5 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 1.5 Department of Health and Aged Care

Preventive Health and Chronic Disease Support Support all Australians to live longer in full health and wellbeing through reducing the rates of harmful alcohol consumption, illicit drug use, and tobacco use, and increasing healthy eating patterns, levels of physical activity and cancer screening participation

1.6 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 1.6 Department of Health and Aged Care

Primary Health Care Quality and Coordination Strengthen primary health care by delivering funding to frontline primary health care services and improving the access, delivery, quality and coordination of those services. This will help improve health outcomes for patients, particularly people with chronic and/or mental health conditions, and assist in reducing unnecessary hospital visits and admissions

1.7 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 1.7 Department of Health and Aged Care

Primary Care Practice Incentives and Medical Indemnity Provide incentive payments to eligible general practices and general practitioners through the Practice Incentives Program (PIP) to support continuing improvements, increase quality of care, enhance capacity and improve access and health outcomes for patients. Promote the ongoing stability, affordability and availability of medical indemnity insurance to enable stable fees for patients and allow the medical workforce to focus on delivering high quality services

1.8 Department of Health and Aged Care 1.8 Department of Health and Aged Care

Health Protection, Emergency Response and Regulation Protect the health of the Australian community through national leadership and capacity building to detect, prevent and respond to threats to public health and safety, including those arising from communicable diseases, natural disasters, acts of terrorism and other incidents that may lead to mass casualties. Protect human health and the environment through regulatory oversight of therapeutic goods, controlled drugs, genetically modified organisms, and industrial chemicals

1.9 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 1.9 Department of Health and Aged Care

Immunisation Reduce the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases to protect individuals and increase national immunisation coverage rates to protect the Australian community

Outcome #2: Ensuring improved access for all Australians to cost-effective and affordable medicines, medical, dental and hearing services; improved choice in healthcare services, through guaranteeing Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme; supporting targeted assistance strategies and private health insurance
# Program Body Contribution
2.1 Department of Health and Aged Care 2.1 Department of Health and Aged Care

Medical Benefits Deliver a modern, sustainable Medicare program that supports all Australians to access high quality and cost-effective professional services. Work with consumers, health professionals, private health insurers, and states and territories to continue strengthening Medicare

2.2 Department of Health and Aged Care 2.2 Department of Health and Aged Care

Hearing Services Provide hearing services, including devices, to eligible people to help manage their hearing loss and improve engagement with the community. Continue support for hearing research, with a focus on ways to reduce the impact of hearing loss and the incidence and consequence of avoidable hearing loss

2.3 Department of Health and Aged Care 2.3 Department of Health and Aged Care

Pharmaceutical Benefits Provide all eligible Australians with reliable, timely, and affordable access to high quality, cost-effective, innovative, clinically effective medicines, and sustainable pharmaceutical services by subsidising the cost of medicines through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and the Life Saving Drugs Program (LSDP)

2.4 Department of Health and Aged Care 2.4 Department of Health and Aged Care

Private Health Insurance Promote affordable, quality private health insurance (PHI) and greater choice for consumers

2.5 Department of Health and Aged Care 2.5 Department of Health and Aged Care

Dental Services Support eligible children to access essential dental health services through the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)

2.6 Department of Health and Aged Care 2.6 Department of Health and Aged Care

Health Benefit Compliance Support the integrity of health benefit claims through prevention, early identification and treatment of incorrect claiming, inappropriate practice and fraud

2.7 Department of Health and Aged Care 2.7 Department of Health and Aged Care

Assistance through Aids and Appliances Improve health outcomes for the Australian community through the provision of targeted assistance for aids and appliances

Outcome #3: Improved wellbeing for older Australians through targeted support, access to appropriate, high-quality care, and related information services
# Program Body Contribution
3.1 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.1 Department of Health and Aged Care

Access and Information Provide older Australians, their families, representatives and carers to access reliable and trusted information about aged care services through My Aged Care. Provide improved and more consistent client outcomes, responsive assessments of clients' needs and goals, appropriate referral, and equitable access to aged care services

3.2 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.2 Department of Health and Aged Care

Aged Care Services Provide choice through a range of flexible options to support older Australians who need assistance. This includes supporting people to remain living at home and connected to their communities for longer, through to residential care for those who are no longer able to continue living in their own home

3.3 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.3 Department of Health and Aged Care

Aged Care Quality Safety and quality care for older Australians in their choice of care through regulatory activities, collaboration with the aged care sector and consumers, as well as capacity building and awareness raising activities

Outcome #4: Improved opportunities for community participation in sport and physical activity, excellence in high-performance athletes, and protecting the integrity of sport through investment in sport infrastructure, coordination of Commonwealth involvement in major sporting events, and research and international cooperation on sport issues
# Program Body Contribution
4.1 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 4.1 Department of Health and Aged Care

Sport and Physical Activity Increase participation in sport and physical activity by all Australians and foster excellence in Australia's high performance athletes. Further Australia's national interests by supporting the Australian sport sector, showcasing Australia as a premier host of major international sporting events, and improving water and snow safety

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