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Office of Parliamentary Counsel

Accountable authority
First Parliamentary Counsel
Lead Body
Institutional sector classification
Employment instruments
Establishing instruments

Additional annual report requirement in establishing legislation

Section 35 of the PGPA Act applies
Section 35(3) of the PGPA Act applies

Outcome #1: A body of Commonwealth laws and instruments that give effect to intended policy, and that are coherent, readable and readily accessible, through the drafting and publication of those laws and instruments.
# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Office of Parliamentary Counsel Program 1.1 Office of Parliamentary Counsel

- Legislative drafting and publication OPC contributes to the outcome by working with government agencies to draft high quality Bills and instruments in accordance with the government's legislative programs, ensuring that they are legally effective, and as simple to understand as possible, managing the Federal Register of Legislation, including by registering legislative instruments, preparing compilations of Commonwealth legislation, delivering legislative instruments for tabling in the Parliament, and providing free access to the Australian public to all Commonwealth legislation

This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About