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Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Accountable authority
Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Lead Body
Institutional sector classification
Employment instruments
Establishing instruments

Additional annual report requirement in establishing legislation

Section 35 of the PGPA Act applies
Section 35(3) of the PGPA Act applies

Outcome #1: More sustainable, productive, internationally competitive and profitable Australian agricultural, food and fibre industries through policies and initiatives that promote better resource management practices, innovation, self-reliance and improved access to international markets.
# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Australian Trade and Investment Commission 1.1 Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)

DAFF, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Australian Trade and
Investment Commission (Austrade) work together to achieve the best outcomes for
Australian agricultural, fisheries and forestry exporters, including through improved market

1.1 Bureau of Meteorology Program 1.1 Bureau of Meteorology

The Bureau of Meteorology provides weather, climate and water modelling and information to

2.1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2.1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

DAFF and DCCEEW work together to deliver the next phase of the Natural Heritage Trust.

1.2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1.2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

DAFF, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Australian Trade and
Investment Commission (Austrade) work together to achieve the best outcomes for
Australian agricultural, fisheries and forestry exporters, including through improved market

1.1 Department of Industry, Science and Resources 1.1 Department of Industry, Science and Resources

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources works collaboratively with DAFF to
monitor and manage critical supply chain risks in the agricultural sector, while providing
laboratory services and expertise to support the National Residue Survey, Imported Food
Inspection Scheme, and other trade enabling activities through the National Measurement
Continued on following page

1.2 Department of Industry, Science and Resources 1.2 Department of Industry, Science and Resources

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources works collaboratively with DAFF to
monitor and manage critical supply chain risks in the agricultural sector, while providing
laboratory services and expertise to support the National Residue Survey, Imported Food
Inspection Scheme, and other trade enabling activities through the National Measurement
Continued on following page

1.3 Department of Industry, Science and Resources 1.3 Department of Industry, Science and Resources

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources works collaboratively with DAFF to
monitor and manage critical supply chain risks in the agricultural sector, while providing
laboratory services and expertise to support the National Residue Survey, Imported Food
Inspection Scheme, and other trade enabling activities through the National Measurement
Continued on following page

1.4 Department of the Treasury 1.4 Department of the Treasury

The Department of the Treasury contributes to Outcome 1 by making payments through the
Federation Funding Agreement Framework on behalf of DAFF, for the following funding
• Construction Softwood Transport Assistance (SPP880)
• Enhance the National Soil Resources Information System (SPP970)
• Fishing and Camping Facilities Program (SPP815)
• Management of Established Pests and Weeds (SPP693)

1.1 National Indigenous Australians Agency 1.1 National Indigenous Australians Agency

DAFF, DCCEEW and NIAA work together to provide opportunities for Indigenous
communities and land managers to engage with the National Landcare Program programs
funded under the Natural Heritage Trust.

1.1 Services Australia 1.1 Services Australia

Services Australia manages payments under the Farm Household Support Act 2014 on
behalf of DAFF.

1.2 Services Australia 1.2 Services Australia

Services Australia manages payments under the Farm Household Support Act 2014 on
behalf of DAFF.

1.3 Services Australia 1.3 Services Australia

Services Australia manages payments under the Farm Household Support Act 2014 on
behalf of DAFF.

1.1 Wine Australia 1.1 Wine Australia

DAFF works together with AgriFutures Australia, Australian Fisheries Management
Authority, Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, Cotton, Fisheries and
Grains Research and Development Corporations, Regional Investment Corporation and
Wine Australia to ensure sustainable, productive, and profitable agricultural industries.
Continued on following pages

Outcome #2: Safeguard Australia's animal and plant health status to maintain overseas markets and protect the economy and environment from the impact of exotic pests and diseases, through risk assessment, inspection and certification, and the implementation of emergency response arrangements for Australian agricultural, food and fibre industries.
# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Australian Trade and Investment Commission 1.1 Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)

DAFF, DFAT and Austrade work together to achieve the best outcomes for Australian
agricultural, fisheries and forestry exporters.

1.8 Department of Health and Aged Care 1.8 Department of Health and Aged Care

DAFF provides the at-the-border services for the management of various human biosecurity
risks on behalf of the Department of Health and Aged Care under the Biosecurity Act 2015
pursuant to a memorandum of understanding.
Continued on following pages

3.2 Department of Home Affairs Program 3.2 Department of Home Affairs

DAFF and the Department of Home Affairs work collaboratively to undertake screening and
surveillance for all people and goods entering Australia.

3.4 Department of Home Affairs Program 3.4 Department of Home Affairs

DAFF and the Department of Home Affairs work collaboratively to undertake screening and
surveillance for all people and goods entering Australia.

1.1 Department of Industry, Science and Resources 1.1 Department of Industry, Science and Resources

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources works collaboratively with DAFF to
monitor and manage critical supply chain risks in the agricultural sector, while providing
laboratory services and expertise to support the National Residue Survey, Imported Food
Inspection Scheme, and other trade enabling activities through the National Measurement

1.2 Department of Industry, Science and Resources 1.2 Department of Industry, Science and Resources

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources works collaboratively with DAFF to
monitor and manage critical supply chain risks in the agricultural sector, while providing
laboratory services and expertise to support the National Residue Survey, Imported Food
Inspection Scheme, and other trade enabling activities through the National Measurement

1.3 Department of Industry, Science and Resources 1.3 Department of Industry, Science and Resources

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources works collaboratively with DAFF to
monitor and manage critical supply chain risks in the agricultural sector, while providing
laboratory services and expertise to support the National Residue Survey, Imported Food
Inspection Scheme, and other trade enabling activities through the National Measurement

1.4 Department of the Treasury 1.4 Department of the Treasury

The Department of the Treasury contributes to Outcome 2 by making payments through the
Federation Funding Agreement Framework on behalf of DAFF, for the following funding
• Bolstering Australia’s Biosecurity System – Protecting Australia from Escalating Exotic
Animal Disease Risks (SPP900)
• Building Resilience to Manage Fruit Fly (SPP993)
• Ehrlichia Canis Pilot Program (SPP876)
• Horse Traceability (SPP875)
• National Plant Health Surveillance Program (SPP857)
• Pest and Disease Preparedness and Response Programs (SPP188)
• Reducing Regulatory Burden and Streamlining Audit Arrangements in the Dairy Sector
• Strengthen Australia’s Frontline Biosecurity Capability and Domestic Preparedness
Continued on following page

1.1 Food Standards Australia New Zealand Program 1.1 Food Standards Australia New Zealand

Food Standards Australia New Zealand provides advice on whether foods pose a medium to
high risk to public health to help DAFF to manage the food safety risks associated with
imported food for human consumption.

1.1 National Indigenous Australians Agency 1.1 National Indigenous Australians Agency

DAFF and NIAA partner with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ranger groups to deliver
biosecurity work that protects Australian agriculture and the northern Australian environment.

This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About