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Department of Home Affairs

Accountable authority
Secretary of the Department of Home Affairs
Lead Body
Institutional sector classification
Employment instruments
Establishing instruments

Additional annual report requirement in establishing legislation

Section 35 of the PGPA Act applies
Section 35(3) of the PGPA Act applies

Outcome #1: Protect Australia from national security and criminal threats, and support national resilience, through effective national coordination, policy and strategy development, and regional cooperation
# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Department of Home Affairs 1.1 Department of Home Affairs

Transport Security This program ensures a viable and sustainable transport security system in Australia through regulation designed collaboratively with industry and government entities

1.2 Department of Home Affairs 1.2 Department of Home Affairs

National Security and Resilience This program contributes to building a safe, secure and resilient Australia by providing comprehensive policy and planning development, at strategic and operational levels , on national security, and emergency management

1.3 Department of Home Affairs 1.3 Department of Home Affairs
1.4 Department of Home Affairs 1.4 Department of Home Affairs

Counter Terrorism This program contributes to building a safe and secure Australia by developing and coordinating counter-terrorism policy, strategy and efforts across the Australian Government, in consultation with the state and territory government agencies and international partners

1.5 Department of Home Affairs 1.5 Department of Home Affairs

Regional Cooperation This program contributes to protecting Australia's sovereignty , security and safety by strengthening relationships with partner governments to detect, deter, influence and respond to transnational crime issues , and countering terrorism and violent extremism offshore; improve migration and border management capabilities ; and working collaboratively with international organisations , including the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), providing services for irregular migrants including promoting dialogue through the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime

1.6 Department of Home Affairs Program 1.6 Department of Home Affairs
# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Attorney-General's Department 1.1 Attorney-General's Department

The Attorney-General's Department (AGD) contributes to the administration of
legislation and policy development for, and provides advice on, aspects of national
security, emergency management, and border management, including through
responsibilities for the administration of transparency frameworks, crime and security
legislation, fraud and corruption prevention policy, international law and legal policy, and
oversight of integrity agencies. AGD is also responsible for policy, legislation, treaties and
progressing casework regarding international crime cooperation and has responsibility
for federal prisoners.

1.2 Attorney-General's Department Program 1.2 Attorney-General's Department

The Attorney-General's Department (AGD) contributes to the administration of
legislation and policy development for, and provides advice on, aspects of national
security, emergency management, and border management, including through
responsibilities for the administration of transparency frameworks, crime and security
legislation, fraud and corruption prevention policy, international law and legal policy, and
oversight of integrity agencies. AGD is also responsible for policy, legislation, treaties and
progressing casework regarding international crime cooperation and has responsibility
for federal prisoners.

1.1 Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission Program 1.1 Australian Crime Commission (Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission)

The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) works collaboratively with law
enforcement and national security partners to protect Australia from transnational serious
and organised crime, which is a major threat to Australia's sovereignty, security and

1.1 Australian Federal Police 1.1 Australian Federal Police

The Australian Federal Police provide: national policing services including investigations,
policing Australia's external territories (e.g. Christmas Island) and offshore engagement
with, and capability support to, offshore police agencies to counter diverse transnational
organised crime and associated illicit trades and harms, terrorism and cyber threats
targeting Australia's security and Australian economic and social interests.

3.2 Australian Federal Police 3.2 Australian Federal Police

The Australian Federal Police provide: national policing services including investigations,
policing Australia's external territories (e.g. Christmas Island) and offshore engagement
with, and capability support to, offshore police agencies to counter diverse transnational
organised crime and associated illicit trades and harms, terrorism and cyber threats
targeting Australia's security and Australian economic and social interests.

1.1 Australian Security Intelligence Organisation 1.1 Australian Security Intelligence Organisation

The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) collects, investigates and
assesses intelligence on potential threats to Australia, its people and its interests. ASIO
provides advice, reports and services to the Australian Government, government agencies
and industry to assist them to effectively manage security risks and disrupt activities that
threaten Australia's security.

1.1 Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre 1.1 Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)

The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) works
collaboratively with agencies in the law enforcement and national security sectors to
protect the financial system from criminal abuse through actionable financial intelligence.

1.1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 1.1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and the
Department of Home Affairs work collaboratively to support the affordable, reliable,
secure and competitive operation of energy markets for the long-term benefit of the
Australian community through improving Australia's energy supply, efficiency, quality,
performance, and productivity, and contributing to the operations of energy markets by
helping manage the risks to Australia's critical energy infrastructure. The Department of
Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and the Department of Home
Affairs also collaborate on matters relating to compliance with the International Energy
Agency treaty.

1.2 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Program 1.2 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and the
Department of Home Affairs work collaboratively to support the affordable, reliable,
secure and competitive operation of energy markets for the long-term benefit of the
Australian community through improving Australia's energy supply, efficiency, quality,
performance, and productivity, and contributing to the operations of energy markets by
helping manage the risks to Australia's critical energy infrastructure. The Department of
Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and the Department of Home
Affairs also collaborate on matters relating to compliance with the International Energy
Agency treaty.

1.3 Department of Defence 1.3 Department of Defence

Defence supports Commonwealth and state/territory governments with emergency and
non-emergency tasks through the provision of capabilities and/or expertise.
The Australian Signals Directorate within the Defence Portfolio provides foreign signals
intelligence, cyber security and offensive cyber operations.

2.14 Department of Defence 2.14 Department of Defence

Defence supports Commonwealth and state/territory governments with emergency and
non-emergency tasks through the provision of capabilities and/or expertise.
The Australian Signals Directorate within the Defence Portfolio provides foreign signals
intelligence, cyber security and offensive cyber operations.

1.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) contributes to whole-ofgovernment efforts bilaterally and regionally to address national security threats,
including counter people-smuggling and human trafficking.

2.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) contributes to whole-ofgovernment efforts bilaterally and regionally to address national security threats,
including counter people-smuggling and human trafficking.

2.2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2.2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) contributes to whole-ofgovernment efforts bilaterally and regionally to address national security threats,
including counter people-smuggling and human trafficking.

1.1 Department of Industry, Science and Resources 1.1 Department of Industry, Science and Resources

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources works with the Department of Home
Affairs to support national resilience across critical supply chains, emerging and critical
technologies and critical infrastructure, and to support major projects of strategic
significance to navigate approvals with foreign involvement. The Department of Industry,
Science and Resources also provides information and support for businesses to build their
cyber security awareness and resilience. By improving Australia's industrial capability
through the National Reconstruction Fund, the Department of Industry, Science and
Resources will support a long-term improvement in Australia's economic diversity and
enhance resilience against supply chain vulnerabilities.

1.2 Department of Industry, Science and Resources 1.2 Department of Industry, Science and Resources

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources works with the Department of Home
Affairs to support national resilience across critical supply chains, emerging and critical
technologies and critical infrastructure, and to support major projects of strategic
significance to navigate approvals with foreign involvement. The Department of Industry,
Science and Resources also provides information and support for businesses to build their
cyber security awareness and resilience. By improving Australia's industrial capability
through the National Reconstruction Fund, the Department of Industry, Science and
Resources will support a long-term improvement in Australia's economic diversity and
enhance resilience against supply chain vulnerabilities.

2.1 Department of Social Services 2.1 Department of Social Services

The Department of Social Services administers the Support for Trafficked People Program.
This program provides assistance to all victims of slavery and slavery-like offences
identified and referred by the Australian Federal Police, including victim-survivors with
a valid visa or eligible under the Human Trafficking Visa Framework administered by the
Department of Home Affairs.
The Department of Social Services administers the Temporary Visa Holders Experiencing
Violence Pilot. This pilot provides temporary visa holders who are experiencing family
and domestic violence with access to financial support and tailored migration assistance
and legal advice.

1.1 Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 1.1 Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet provides policy advice in key areas,
including the Government's strategic priorities and major domestic, international and
national security matters.

1.4 Department of the Treasury 1.4 Department of the Treasury

The Department of the Treasury contributes to Outcome 1 by making payments to the
states on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs. The payments relate to national

Outcome #2: Support a prosperous and united Australia through effective coordination and delivery of immigration and social cohesion policies and programs
# Program Body Contribution
2.1 Department of Home Affairs 2.1 Department of Home Affairs

Migration Support a prosperous and united Australia through effective coordination and del ivery of immigration and social cohesion policies and programs

2.2 Department of Home Affairs 2.2 Department of Home Affairs

Visas To advance Australia's economic interests and respond to Australia's changing security, economic, cultural and social needs through the effective management and del ivery of temporary entry programs

2.3 Department of Home Affairs 2.3 Department of Home Affairs

Refugee, Humanitarian Settlement and Migrant Services The effective management and del ivery of Australia's H umanitarian Program reflects government priorities and Australia's international protection obl igations and settlement support services assist eligible migrants to participate in the Australian community

2.4 Department of Home Affairs Program 2.4 Department of Home Affairs

UMA Offshore Management To protect Australia's sovereignty, security and safety by supporting the implementation of regional processing and resettlement arrangements between Australia and partner cou ntries

2.5 Department of Home Affairs 2.5 Department of Home Affairs

Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship To support a prosperous and inclusive society through the promotion , delivery and effective management of the Australian multicultural and citizenship programs

# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Program 1.1 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations works with the Department of
Home Affairs to provide clearer pathways and improved access to training for eligible
migrants and humanitarian entrants. The Department of Employment and Workplace
Relations fosters a productive and competitive labour market through employment
policies and programs that assist job seekers, including eligible migrants and
humanitarian entrants, into work to meet employer needs and increase Australia's
workforce participation.

2.1 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Program 2.1 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations works with the Department of
Home Affairs to provide clearer pathways and improved access to training for eligible
migrants and humanitarian entrants. The Department of Employment and Workplace
Relations fosters a productive and competitive labour market through employment
policies and programs that assist job seekers, including eligible migrants and
humanitarian entrants, into work to meet employer needs and increase Australia's
workforce participation.

1.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) contributes to whole-ofgovernment efforts bilaterally and regionally to counter people-smuggling and human
trafficking. DFAT provides high-quality consular and passport services, which support
international traveller facilitation.

2.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) contributes to whole-ofgovernment efforts bilaterally and regionally to counter people-smuggling and human
trafficking. DFAT provides high-quality consular and passport services, which support
international traveller facilitation.

2.2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2.2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) contributes to whole-ofgovernment efforts bilaterally and regionally to counter people-smuggling and human
trafficking. DFAT provides high-quality consular and passport services, which support
international traveller facilitation.

2.1 Department of Social Services 2.1 Department of Social Services

The Department of Social Services administers the Building a New Life in Australia
Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants. This study tracks the long-term settlement
experience of humanitarian migrants in Australia, allowing researchers and policy makers
to evaluate successful settlement outcomes.

1.2 Services Australia 1.2 Services Australia

Services Australia supports individuals, families and communities to achieve greater selfsufficiency by designing and delivering a range of government services to Australians
through a range of service delivery channels including face-to-face, telephony and digital,
and protects the integrity of government outlays.
Services Australia provides a robust information and communication technology network
and delivers major transformation projects, including ICT shared services.

1.3 Services Australia 1.3 Services Australia

Services Australia supports individuals, families and communities to achieve greater selfsufficiency by designing and delivering a range of government services to Australians
through a range of service delivery channels including face-to-face, telephony and digital,
and protects the integrity of government outlays.
Services Australia provides a robust information and communication technology network
and delivers major transformation projects, including ICT shared services.

Outcome #3: Advance a prosperous and secure Australia through trade and travel facilitation and modernisation, and effective customs, immigration, maritime and enforcement activities across the border continuum
# Program Body Contribution
3.1 Department of Home Affairs Program 3.1 Department of Home Affairs

Trade Facilitation and Industry Engagement To advance Australia's economic interests by co-designing services and pol icies that reduce the impact on legitimate movement of goods, and supports the Government's trade agenda

3.2 Department of Home Affairs Program 3.2 Department of Home Affairs

Border Management To protect Australia's sovereignty , security and safety by developing strategy , legislation and policy that supports legitimate border movements , ensures compliance with border controls , strengthens visa and citizenship system integrity, and protects the Australian community from health risks

3.3 Department of Home Affairs Program 3.3 Department of Home Affairs

Border Revenue col lection To advance Australia's economic interests through the effective collection and administration of customs duty and border charges

3.4 Department of Home Affairs Program 3.4 Department of Home Affairs

Border Enforcement To protect Australia's sovereignty, security and safety through the streamlining of legitimate trade and travel, prevention of il legal movement of people and goods, and coordination of whole-of-government efforts to detect and deter il legal activity in the maritime domain

3.5 Department of Home Affairs Program 3.5 Department of Home Affairs

Onshore Compliance and Detention To protect Australia's sovereignty , security and safety by maximising adherence to the entry and stay requirements through an effective and appropriate program of prevention , deterrence and enforcement

# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Australian Federal Police 1.1 Australian Federal Police

The Australian Federal Police provide: aviation protection at major Australian airports,
national policing services including investigations, policing Australia's external territories
(e.g. Christmas Island) and offshore engagement with, and capability support to, offshore
police agencies to counter diverse transnational organised crime and associated illicit
trades and harms, terrorism and cyber threats targeting Australia's security and
Australian economic and social interests.

3.1 Australian Federal Police 3.1 Australian Federal Police

The Australian Federal Police provide: aviation protection at major Australian airports,
national policing services including investigations, policing Australia's external territories
(e.g. Christmas Island) and offshore engagement with, and capability support to, offshore
police agencies to counter diverse transnational organised crime and associated illicit
trades and harms, terrorism and cyber threats targeting Australia's security and
Australian economic and social interests.

3.2 Australian Federal Police 3.2 Australian Federal Police

The Australian Federal Police provide: aviation protection at major Australian airports,
national policing services including investigations, policing Australia's external territories
(e.g. Christmas Island) and offshore engagement with, and capability support to, offshore
police agencies to counter diverse transnational organised crime and associated illicit
trades and harms, terrorism and cyber threats targeting Australia's security and
Australian economic and social interests.

1.1 Australian Fisheries Management Authority 1.1 Australian Fisheries Management Authority

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) provides the fisheries' focus
within the Australian Government Civil Maritime Surveillance and Response Program
and is responsible for the administration of legislation with respect to illegal foreign
fishers. AFMA aims to deter and prevent illegal foreign fishing by carrying out
prosecution of offenders, confiscation of boats, capacity building projects and cooperative
enforcement operations.

1.1 Australian Taxation Office 1.1 Australian Taxation Office

On behalf of the Australian Taxation Office, the Department of Home Affairs administers
the Tourist Refund Scheme and collects border revenue for: Excise Equivalent Goods,
Goods and Services Tax, Luxury Car Tax and Wine Equalisation Tax.

1.1 Civil Aviation Safety Authority 1.1 Civil Aviation Safety Authority

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority is responsible for the civil air operations in Australian
territory and the operation of Australian aircraft outside Australian territory. The
implementation and enforcement of safety standards supports the work the Department
of Home Affairs undertakes in processing aircraft crossing the border, and in its role of
fostering aviation security.

2.1 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2.1 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) and the Department of
Home Affairs work together to manage biosecurity and imported food risks to ensure the
safe movement into and out of Australia, of people, animals, plants, food and cargo. DAFF
also provides certification of exports to meet importing countries' requirements.

2.2 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2.2 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) and the Department of
Home Affairs work together to manage biosecurity and imported food risks to ensure the
safe movement into and out of Australia, of people, animals, plants, food and cargo. DAFF
also provides certification of exports to meet importing countries' requirements.

2.2 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2.2 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and the
Department of Home Affairs work together to prevent the illegal wildlife trade, control
transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal, and share information
on imports of products subject to air quality standards.

2.3 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2.3 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and the
Department of Home Affairs work together to prevent the illegal wildlife trade, control
transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal, and share information
on imports of products subject to air quality standards.

1.3 Department of Defence 1.3 Department of Defence

The Department of Defence (Defence) supports the Department of Home Affairs through
tasks that include: planning and conduct of operations to provide security of Australia's
maritime borders from unauthorised maritime arrivals, exports, illegal exploitation of
natural resources, and other maritime threats to Australian sovereignty, including
counter-terrorism responses. Defence contributes to Maritime Border Command tasking
through Operation Resolute, providing maritime surveillance and response assets that are
tasked routinely in accordance with the Government's priorities.

1.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) contributes to whole-ofgovernment efforts bilaterally and regionally to counter people smuggling and human
trafficking. DFAT also negotiates, finalises and implements Australia's free trade
agreement (FTA) agenda and explores opportunities for FTAs with othertrading partners.
DFAT provides high-quality consular and passport services that support international
traveller facilitation.

2.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) contributes to whole-ofgovernment efforts bilaterally and regionally to counter people smuggling and human
trafficking. DFAT also negotiates, finalises and implements Australia's free trade
agreement (FTA) agenda and explores opportunities for FTAs with othertrading partners.
DFAT provides high-quality consular and passport services that support international
traveller facilitation.

2.2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2.2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) contributes to whole-ofgovernment efforts bilaterally and regionally to counter people smuggling and human
trafficking. DFAT also negotiates, finalises and implements Australia's free trade
agreement (FTA) agenda and explores opportunities for FTAs with othertrading partners.
DFAT provides high-quality consular and passport services that support international
traveller facilitation.

1.8 Department of Health and Aged Care 1.8 Department of Health and Aged Care

The Department of Health and Aged Care works with the Department of Home Affairs to
protect the health of the Australian community by managing health risks pre-border,
including providing communicable disease advice to the Department of Home Affairs to
inform pre–migration screening policies.

1.2 Department of Industry, Science and Resources 1.2 Department of Industry, Science and Resources

Through the National Measurement Institute, the Department of Industry, Science and
Resources provides forensic drug testing services and research to support the Australian
Border Force.
Through the Major Project Facilitation Agency, the Department of Industry, Science and
Resources continues to work with the Department of Home Affairs to support major
project proponents to navigate customs, immigration and maritime approval
requirements, in addition to international trade in new export industries.

1.1 Department of the Treasury 1.1 Department of the Treasury

The Department of the Treasury provides policy advice in key areas on the design of
taxation laws, including customs duty, Visa Application Charges (VAC), Passenger
Movement Charge (PMC), Import Processing Charge (IPC) and duty refunds.

This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About